I hate bear crawls

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 ·

This is a bear-crawl. Or at least, this is what it is supposed to look like if its done right. Usually, my butt sticks up more in the air when I am doing them.

I hate bear-crawls - really, really hate them. I think they have surpassed all other hated exercise in terms of hatred. I am sure they are very good for your body, in terms of exercise - but they are hard and I am positive that I look ridiculous doing them!

Oh ya, and remember less #1 about not wearing thongs whilst doing squats? - Bear-crawls don't go with thongs very well either!

So, if you're going to do bear-crawls, make sure you aren't wearing thongs and make sure you keep your butt down - and don't expect to like them!!!



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About this blog

I am a 30 something year old woman looking to lose weight and get back in shape. I hope that this blog will provide inspiration to me and to others. I am much more motivated to workout when I can make it funny and glean some humorous stories out of it - these will mostly be self-deprecating. Please, I beg of you, post comments with your own funny stories or success stories or complaints about exercising or whatever. Just FYI, I work-out at a great gym in Anthem, Arizona called SWEAT.