
Friday, January 30, 2009 · 0 comments

No workout today.
Work was CRAZY BUSY - had to get an emergency motion filed, bla bla bla. So, instead of working out - I went and got a massage. I soooo needed it. It feels strange that I didn't exercise today. Tomorrow, I'll go hiking and then bootcamp on Sunday. Guess one day off is OK.

Hey Fatinah - I like your mantra - "Embrace the Hard" - I think I'm going to use it next workout. Thanks!

My new favorite website:

Have a good weekend everyone. Go Cards!

Fell off the Treadmill

Thursday, January 29, 2009 · 1 comments

I forgot to tell you that on Monday night when I was on the treadmill, I fell off the back of it! hahaha. I bet it would have been funny to watch. I'm so clumsy, I bet I will have a whole bunch more "falling at the gym" stories!

Tonight's workout was tough, but I didn't feel nauseous until the last 15 minutes of abs. 50 crunches, 50 bicycles, 50 knees to chest and 50 scissors -- three sets of this! YARGH - my stomach was bbuurrnniinngg!

Ok. tired now, going to have a hot bath and drag myself into bed. nighty nite

Off Topic - Law School Funny


Ok - Because I only have one Blog, this is the only place I can post this.  I found this other blog when I was in law school and it totally kept me laughing and somewhat sane through the craziness that is law school.  Here is one of my favorite posts.  Thanks Jeremy Blachman for your blog...

Yoda's Twenty Pieces of Law School Advice

1. A student uses the Law for knowledge. Never for attack.
2. Do or do not attend class. There is no online recorded lecture database. 
3. Marathons exams are; you must yourself pace.
4. Extracurricular activities, for sanity, get involved you should.
5. Carefully chosen, study groups helpful they can be.
6. Expensive books are, but buy them anyway.
7. In your assigned seat you stay, to avoid the professor angering.
8. You must learn to use the power of the Uniform Commercial Code.
9. Size matters not. Some professors skinny can teach good quite.
10. Law review is the path to the dark side.
11. The cases for class carefully brief.
12. The very Republic is threatened, if involved the Critical Legal Scholars are.
13. A Jedi's strength flows from chapter 9 of the Bankruptcy Code. 
14. Study you did not. That is why you fail.
15. Great warrior. Moot court victory does not make one great.
16. The fear of loss is a path to seeking reliance damages.
17. Ready are you? What know you of ready? Have you the Gilbert's outline read?
18. A law student must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind, the longest outline.
19. Blind we are, if the fine print at the bottom of most contracts we cannot see.
20. There is another... administration of the bar exam.

Zombie humor in Austin - someone hacked this road sign.


Made it through another

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 · 0 comments

I always feel silly and wimpy when I have to stop when all of the other people I'm training with can keep going. But I stop for two main reasons - so I don't die and so I don't throw up on anyone.

I give tonight's workout a 3 puke rating. My very first workout was at least a 5 puke rating. This doesn't mean that I actually puked, it is just a reflection of the amount of time spent feeling nauseous during or after the workout.

I really like all of my trainers so far and all of the other people I am working out with - they are funny and help me keep going. I think I do my first week weigh in tomorrow - cross your fingers!

I came across a website with some really funny exercise stories, I am going to post some of them just for shits and giggles.

Bye for now

Favorite Exercise Songs

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 · 0 comments

No trainer tonight! YAAA - maybe it will be a chance for my legs to recover enough so that I can walk up and down my stairs without falling. Just to stay in the habit of exercising, I went on a 30 minute walk - didn't get my heart rate up very high, but still, its something.

Ok - I want some responses to this question. If you exercise and if you listen to your ipod (or other such device) while you are exercising -- What are your 10 most favorite songs to exercise to?

I'll post mine later.

Monday, Monday.....

Monday, January 26, 2009 · 0 comments

I made it through another work out tonight. My legs are so sore today (from bootcamp yesterday) that I can barely sit down. I'm using the handicapped stall in the bathroom at work so that I can use the bar for assistance (LOL). Its kind of embarassing when you go into your boss's office to talk about a work issue and you have to fling yourself down into his chair because your legs are way to sore to sit gracefully. :)
So, when the trainer had me do lunges tonight, I thought my legs were going to fall off --- no wait, I was wishing they would fall off so that I wouldn't have to feel the pain anymore.
I know I'm bitching, but surprisingly, it helps.

And about those damn shakes. I had 3 shakes today (480 calories) and I broke down and had a cup of coffee, a handful of granola and 2 slices of turkey meat. For a grand total of about 730 calories - and according to my heart rate monitor, I burned 599 in my workout. What does this mean - Im tired, sore and cranky. But, I think this will be worth it when I weigh in on Thurday. Guess we will see.

Some other interesting things, I was getting pretty bad headaches in the afternoons, from caffeine withdrawal (stopped drinking soda) - but the headaches aren't so bad anymore.

Sunday morning bootcamp

Sunday, January 25, 2009 · 1 comments

Today was my first bootcamp. I am working out 3 times during the week with a trainer and then doing at least one weekend bootcamp with the SWEAT folks. Wow, the bootcamp was brutal. I could barely keep up with everyone.
I give it a 3 puke rating on my pukometer.
Maybe the diet wont be the hardest part.

I hate you In and Out Burger

Saturday, January 24, 2009 · 1 comments

Ok - Need to vent. If someone is trying to quit smoking, you wouldn't smoke in front of them and blow the smoke in their face, would you?? How is that any different from this ...

I am stuck drinking these shakes as my only sustenance for a WEEK (and some berries at night, wow that helps) - and my family decides that they want to go to the new In-N-Out Burger by our house. So they go through the drive-thru with me in the car!! I was white knuckling it the whole time and trying not to breathe through my nose, so I couldn't smell the delicious, juicy hamburgers. Yikes, the diet is going to be the hardest part of this.


This is another good weight loss blog. Wow, the before and after pics are great - way to go!

Lifestyle Change to losing weight: Weight Loss


Lifestyle Change to losing weight: Weight Loss

Here is a link to a fellow femme fatale who is also trudging the weight loss road - it's easier to do this when you know you are not alone. Good luck to you!

Starting the Weight Challenge


I started my 12 week weight challenge on Thursday night at SWEAT Challenge in Anthem, Arizona. I got measured, weighed and "evaluated" (aka humiliated, of my own making, not by anyone at SWEAT). I will post my weight, body fat and measurements - I am willing to go through this embarrassment only because I hope that it might inspire someone else to start working out. In addition to working with a trainer for one hour four times per week for twelve weeks - I also have to start a fairly strict eating regimen. I can only have Optimal shakes 3 times per day for the first week, and a handful of berries at night. Yikes, I think the eating restriction will be the hardest thing for me - when I am hungry and I smell food, I lost all will power! Anyway, hopefully I will be able to report great success as this progresses. Here are my statistics:

Wish me luck!


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About this blog

I am a 30 something year old woman looking to lose weight and get back in shape. I hope that this blog will provide inspiration to me and to others. I am much more motivated to workout when I can make it funny and glean some humorous stories out of it - these will mostly be self-deprecating. Please, I beg of you, post comments with your own funny stories or success stories or complaints about exercising or whatever. Just FYI, I work-out at a great gym in Anthem, Arizona called SWEAT.