only three weeks left, getting scared

Friday, March 27, 2009 · 2 comments

I trained with Josh all this week. He is really pushing every one this week because (for most people) the 12 week challenge ended this week. I still have until the week of April 15th since I started late. Last night was a tough one, I nearly fell off the treadmill and I kept having to hold on. Josh told me that if I kept holding on, he would tie my hands behind my back. I am pretty sure that isn't legal, but it was funny when he said it.

I'm already freaking out about my time at SWEAT ending. I'll be done with my 12 week challenge on April 15th and I don't think we can afford to sign up again. I am very sad and really scared that I will go back to my bad ways if I can't go to SWEAT. Going there keeps me accountable and I know I will not work out as hard as I do when I am training with the SWEAT people. ARRRGGHH. I am trying to talk my husband into letting me go on the new maintenance plan that SWEAT has - keep your fingers crossed that we can find the extra money in our budget. It is definitely worth it!!

Josh and Laura, you guys have built a great business that helps lots of people, you should feel proud!

The only thing we have to fear...

Monday, March 23, 2009 · 1 comments

It feels like I haven't had much to blog about. Nothin new. Ate bad on the weekend, like usual - and then worried about the weigh in on Monday night. I am well behaved during the week (well, for at least diet and exercise I am) but I am baaaaddd on the weekends. Not as bad as I used to be, but still bad. I bet I would have lost at least 3 more pounds if I ate better on the weekends. Oh well, at least I am in way better shape then I was 8 weeks ago.

I have another gripe, totally off topic. Listening to the news today, there is a new buzzword floating around that caught my attention and immediately started to annoy me - "Toxic Assets." As in, "the government agreed to purchase some of the toxic assets." Give me a frickin break - cant you just say "bad investments." Some histrionic reporter decided to make the term "bad investments" sound much scarier by turning it into "toxic assets." Whoooo, when you say it like that, it makes it sound so much worse, I'm really scared now. I hate it when the news gets apocolypic - they must think it will sell better if they make it sound worse in this current environment. Like FDR said, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" - you got that right brother.

Problems with Push-ups

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 · 2 comments

Had Josh again tonight, apparently push-ups were the theme. I only got a "cmon oblinger" a few times, that's an improvement! Told you I would blog about it Josh!

I don't like push-ups. Not so much because they are hard. I mean, they are hard, but not as hard as they used to be. But I still have some "issues" with them.

1st issue --- I do the modified version (the kind most women do) - so I'm on my knees when I do them. The floor at SWEAT is hard and I get a sort of cross between a bruise and a carpet burn on my knees when Josh makes us do like a million push-ups.

2nd issue --- the push up in general is not terribly attractive, it is kind of an unappealing position to be in (maybe some people feel differently about this, but I don't feel very good lookin when I'm doing them).

3rd issue --- I look absolutely ridiculous when I am trying to get up from doing a large amount of push-ups. I just look pitiful, I have to push myself up and try to get my feet under me. I look clumsy and not graceful in the least. Now, most people would not normally describe me as graceful, but me getting up after doing lots of push ups could be described as anti-graceful - the exact opposite of graceful.

4th issue --- guys look way better doing push-ups (well some guys anyway).

Ok now that the bitching is over. On the bright side, I am totally able to do many more push-ups then I could 7 weeks ago!

Oh - for those of you who live close to Anthem - SWEAT's new 12 week challenge starts on April 1st - it is TOTALLY worth the cost if you really want to jump start your path to fitness and weight loss!!! Everyone there is great, that includes Josh (even though I complain about him a lot).

Smaller clothes

Monday, March 16, 2009 · 1 comments

This weekend I had to search the house for my old size 10 shirts - I had packed them up about 6 months ago when I had given up ever being a size 10 again. I guess we must have given some of them away because I was only able to find a few. I'm not all the way into size 10 pants yet, probably another 10 pounds to do before I can be comfortable in a size 10.
I am so excited that a lot of my size 12's are too baggy on me (and all of my size 14's)!! It has taken me about 7 weeks to get back down to a 12. I only have about 5 weeks left with SWEAT, I am so scared that once I stop, I'll start gaining the weight back - I sure hope I can stick to it! When I'm done, I still plan on going to at least one weekend boot camp and the open Tuesday night workout - at least that gets me two SWEAT style work-outs per week. Hopefully that plus my treadmill will be enough to at least maintain (if not continue to lose).
Josh told me tonight that I psych myself out sometimes, I see how much weight he wants me to do and I decide that I can't do it before I even try. I think he's right, so I'm going to try to work on that. It's such a struggle sometimes, I get so tired and out of breath I want to quit, but part of me wants to keep going (the part that keeps chanting, "bathing suit season, high school reunion"). Seeing results definitely helps my commitment level
Guess that's it for now - have a great week.

Quick review since Thursday

Sunday, March 15, 2009 · 4 comments

Heres my quick review of the last 4 days..

Thursday night was a 10 on the puke scale, need I say more?

Friday the kids went up to Show Low and Justin and I ate Sushi.

Saturday we sold our elliptical machine, I ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill and we cleaned the Acura to get it ready to sell.

Today, we went to our Dave Ramsey (financial peace) class, I got Justin his birthday present and I ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill. Now we are going to have Sunday dinner.

Nothing terribly interesting, but there it is. I have had to go searching the house for my smaller shirts because the ones I had been wearing look like tents now. Yaaa!

Miss the kids... :(

This week, so far...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 · 0 comments

Monday I skipped working out because my son had a little league game. It was the longest little league game EVER and it was kind of scary. Although my sons team won, a boy on the other team ended up with a broken nose. Everyone felt really bad for him! I'm kind of freaking that little league can be so brutal, this is only my sons second game!!
I changed my workout to Tuesday night. So this week, I will be working out Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night. Tonight, I got Josh. I made the mistake of telling him that I had hit a "plateau" now that I am down almost 15 pounds. Note to self, don't tell Josh that you have hit a plateau (or that you ate chocolate)!!! He put me on the stair machine (not the easy stairmaster) for 5 minutes at level 10 - it was haarrdd!! I made it almost the whole time without stopping, but I was sweating and huffing and puffing. It was a hard work out, but not as bad as last week when I was crying on the floor. He told me I was getting lazy in my workouts. It doesn't feel like it to me, but maybe he is just saying that to motivate me??? I've got about 5 1/2 weeks left of the workouts, and another 15 pounds to lose - wish me luck.

Friday cheat day

Saturday, March 7, 2009 · 1 comments

So, Thursday right at the beginning of the workout, Josh told me I had done enough whining the night before and I wasn't allowed to whine! So, I tried not to. It wasn't quite as brutal as Wednesday night - but it was a good workout.

Friday, I ate pizza, ohhh nooo. I felt bad because it seems like once I blow it for the day, I keep eating bad that day. Friday was the first day I had a soda in a long time too! Yikes. So I must behave for the rest of the weekend.

I've been researching treadmills and today I found some people selling a really good Precor treadmill on Craigslist. Got a really great deal!! It was pretty hard getting it transported, but it is set up now and I just ran 3.8 miles. The treadmill hurts my knees way less than running on the street or sidewalk.

Now, about weightloss. I seem to be hovering somewhere around 161. I just can't get down into the 150's. I have been hovering between 161 and 163 for about a week now. Guess I'll have to stop the oops days if I want to drop down any further. I have about 5.5 weeks to go and I need to drop another 20 pounds - I need to start the shakes again I think.
Have a great Sunday everyone.

Holy frickin crap (the curse words I want to use are way too bad)!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009 · 1 comments

OH MYYYY GOOOOODDDD!!! I just got done working out. This one's for you Josh.

This was by far the hardest workout in the last 2 or 3 weeks. In fact, I have never come closer to crying during a workout than I was tonight. The fact that I was seconds away from puking most of the workout doesn't really need to be said, does it? I was laying on the floor, trying to catch my breath and not puke, my face had to be the color of a cooked lobster, and Josh was telling me to get up and get on the stair stepper. I was whimpering and saying, I can't, I can't get up - he just kept telling me to get up. I looked and sounded pretty pitiful, I am sure. At the time I was begging and whimpering, I didn't feel like a wimp... but looking back, I kind of do now.

This was a 9 on the puke scale (the only reason it's not a 10 is because I haven't puked yet, I reserve the right to update this if I do).
I can guarantee you that I would NEVER push myself this hard if I didn't have a trainer - this is why personal training gets more results than when I work out alone!!!

New Shoes!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009 · 3 comments

I got new running shoes yesterday. I did some research and then went to the store and talked to a guy who runs 40 miles per week. All of my research points to Asics for regular gait (I don't over or under pronate).
WOW, what a difference they made tonight. My feet didn't hurt at all and my knees even hurt less than normal. I can't wait to try a long run/walk and see how they do. I'm glad I listened to my friends who said that most of my problems were in my shoes (other than the problems in my head - which shoes won't help).

Trained with Gina tonight, still burned a ton of calories, but didn't want to cry the entire time - it was good.


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About this blog

I am a 30 something year old woman looking to lose weight and get back in shape. I hope that this blog will provide inspiration to me and to others. I am much more motivated to workout when I can make it funny and glean some humorous stories out of it - these will mostly be self-deprecating. Please, I beg of you, post comments with your own funny stories or success stories or complaints about exercising or whatever. Just FYI, I work-out at a great gym in Anthem, Arizona called SWEAT.