Play Ball!

Saturday, February 28, 2009 · 0 comments

Today we went to opening day for my son's little league. We were at BC High School up here in Anthem, so I decided while we were hanging around waiting to get his pictures done, I would run on the track. I ran/walked/ran/walked for an hour and 45 minutes, I lost track of the laps, but I figure by the time and the rate of speed, I must have done at least 6 miles. I met a new friend on the track and we talked for the last hour, that kept me going way longer than I would have normally gone. I am going to meet her there next weekend so we can run together again.

Of course, you know I must bitch about something, so here it comes. You'd think I would know better by now, being a 4th generation Arizonan, but I forgot to put sunblock on my arms and shoulders, so I am super sunburned right now. And, my feet have never been so sore in my life, the outside part of my feet feel like someone is sticking burning hot needles in them - so wierd.
So, while exercising is definitely making me feel better in general; I am also experiencing pains I have never had before. Just in case someone might know what this pain is referred to as, the place where my foot hurts is about where the 4th metatarsal meets the cuboid??? Any one heard of that before?

Banana Republic

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 · 0 comments

I have this pair of nice BR work pants - I always loved them because they made me look skinny. I haven't been able to wear them since first or second year of law school (3 years ago)! I wore them today, comfortably!! YAAAA I was so excited when they buttoned and zipped up and there was no "sausage" if you know what I mean (by sausage, I mean the fat that hangs over the waist band of your pants when they are too tight).

Had Josh again tonight, lots of running and spinning - but I am doing a better job at keeping up...and of course, by knees hurt - but whats new.

Hope everyone in blogland is doing great!

whats your name, who's your daddy

Monday, February 23, 2009 · 1 comments

That song is stuck in my head, don't know why.

I like training with Gina. I still get a good work out and I still burn lots of calories, but I don't feel like I'm going to drop over dead! I don't cry when I see that Gina is going to train me. Last week, Terry trained us, she is a new trainer. She was good at motivating me to keep going. It's not that I don't like Josh, it is good to have a Josh session every once in a while, but it is too hard to have him everyday!

I was down 3 pounds from last weigh in (last Monday)! I realize that I probably wouldn't have been down 3 pounds without the Josh work-outs. I'll give Josh props for being effective, but Josh - you are still scary.


Friday, February 20, 2009 · 1 comments

I will be going to visit my family this weekend. I already know that there will be at least one or two unhealthy meals involved in this visit. I have read other people having the same type of issues - trouble eating well when visiting a home town or when family visits. The weird thing is, I really don't want to blow my diet - I'm seeing so much improvement (mostly in the way that my clothes are fitting). Hopefully my desire to stay on the program will help me make better choices for food. I plan on walking/running around my grandparents neighborhood so that I get some exercise.

hope everyone has a great weekend!

A funny personal training cartoon


"Go blog about it"

Thursday, February 19, 2009 · 1 comments

Josh was hilarious tonight. But still hard. When we first started running, he told me to do 5 laps, which is more than ever before, and when I complained he said, "go blog about it." That made me laugh so much that I had trouble running at first. He accused me of using stall tactics again when I moved slower than everyone else - but I am getting used to that.

But, my knee is really, really, really hurting now!!!

I need a break from running.

"This is going to be a blood bath"


That was how last nights training session started. It was with Josh, of course. He saw that there were only 3 of us in the group and he chuckled and said, with an evil grin, "this is going to be a blood bath." And it was! Josh runs me more than anyone else and my knees hurt SOOOO BAD after a Josh work out. Frozen peas to the rescue again... and tiger balm... and tylenol... and ibuprofen.

another term for the blogtionary


Heres another term for the blogtionary.  Kris, this one is dedicated to you.

Snenvy - (snack + envy)  the feeling you get when your co-worker, knowing that you are on a diet, walks past you while eating a cookie (and boisterously enjoying it).  

My own blogtionary

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 · 0 comments

I was reading someone's blog today and he had his own blogtionary. New words he had made up and they were pretty damn funny. So it inspired me to start my own. I can only think of 3 words so far:

Coughnot - when you start to cough and your entire abdominal wall seizes up and you realize how sore you are from the previous days ab workout and the cough turns into a pitiful sputter, while you hold your mid section.

Thlunges - doing lunges while your thongs are creeping up into your nether-regions. Needless to say, quite uncomfortable!

Trumble - when you take a tumble off of the treadmill.

Ok - can anyone else think of some. Tell me and I'll post it and give you cred.

Took a blog vacation

Monday, February 16, 2009 · 1 comments

I haven't posted since Thursday! It was a busy weekend. I went to a chili cookoff on Saturday at my Mom (in laws) church. So, since I cheated a bit that day, I hiked in the desert for 5 miles on Saturday afternoon.
On Sunday, we visited Justin's brother who was in town from San Diego. And on Sunday afternoon, we went to the Cave Creek mountain preserve and I hiked/ran up and down the trails for 4 miles! I was amazed at how much I was able to run, I really only had to stop because my knees were hurting, not because I was too out of breath. I can really tell that my fitness level in increasing. It was such a pretty view - a good way to enjoy nature and get a good workout. We plan on doing it every Sunday now.

Sensitive subject

Thursday, February 12, 2009 · 0 comments

Ok - not that I want to give anyone TMI - but I need to discuss this. I try to wear comfortable work out clothes, but I do wear exercise clothes. I havent been wearing loose shorts cuz I don't like showing my woohoo - so I wear exercise pants or capris. They are somewhat hugging, and I don't like panty lines, so I sometimes wear thongs so I wont have unsightly panty lines when I am exercising - you know how it is.

I just have to say that plie squats and thongs REALLY don't go together - I mean REALLY REALLY don't go together. Ouch!! And, it is kind of a small gym - so I couldn't secretly pick the thongs out of the nether regions discreetly - they just stayed there all workout. Nice.

Burned 675 calories. Glad tomorrow is Friday!

Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangster.


Totally off topic of weight loss.  I kicked butt on my evidentiary hearing today!!!  I wanted to play that song all the way back to the office (see title of post for name of song).  Yaaa me.  Apparently, being uber prepared and lots and lots of legal research pays off.  Who would have thought?  (just kidding).  Still have to go work out tonight.  I'll post on that later.

Still not funny...  :(

I'm not funny

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 · 0 comments

I always wish I had something really funny to write. I read all of these other blogs and the people are so funny and entertaining. I feel like such a blogtard. I'm always just talking about my workouts, bla bla bla, and then I think something funny will come to me and nothing funny comes to me and then I'm like bye. I have a boring blog - I have come to admit that and I will just have to deal with it. Apparently my writing talents are all used up at work and I have nothing left for the blog. But I don't write anything funny for work, so why would my funny writing talents be used up at work - they wouldnt. Ah Ha - maybe I am just not funny - I dont have the ability to write funny. Shit. I'll just have to be a blogtard and my true friends will still read me and tolerate my boring blogs.

By the way, I did work out tonight. My knee hurt a bit so I now have 2 bags of frozen peas taped to it. 645 calories and resisted In-N-Out Burger again - yaa me. I hate the employee who decided that my neighborhood was a good place to build an In-N-Out Burger.

Becca - yaa you - that you are motivated to run and squat with a 8 week old baby at home is amazing. I, in no way felt like working out when my babies were that young!

I resisted!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 · 1 comments

I really wanted junk food, but I baked a chicken breast and had some brown rice with it. I was good. Pat me on the head.


What to do on a Tuesday


I need to workout tonight, but I can't figure out what to do. My knee is killing me, so I am afraid to run. If I hurt it anymore, I won't be able to run during training tomorrow or Thursday. So, I need to resist eating junk food and decide what kind of workout to do.
Why is In -n-out Burger calling to me??? Why?

I have such a problem with will power and restraint.

Another Monday

Monday, February 9, 2009 · 0 comments

Today was my 8th Training Session (out of 36 Total). I think my stamina is getting a bit better and I can keep up with the Ab workout a bit better. I still don't feel like I'm losing enough weight, but that is probably due to diet. I am being really good during the week - but not so good on the weekends. The weekends are sooooo hard!! But, either way, I'm being way better with my diet than I was before I started working out!!! Progress, not perfection as the 12 stepers would say. :)

It's raining like crazy here tonight. I don't mind it so much when I think that in a few months, we'll be back to 115 degrees!

Hope all had a decent Monday - here's looking forward to a fruitful, successful and not too stressful week!

938 calories burned

Saturday, February 7, 2009 · 0 comments

Today, Justin and I went on a bike ride across the River behind our house and around New River Road. We had to carry our bikes across the rockiest part of the river and up and down cliffs - it was way more of a workout than I thought it would be. My heart rate monitor said that I burned 938 calories!

I really don't want to wake up early tomorrow to go to bootcamp. Anyone have encouraging words? It may be raining in the morning, so I may get out of it that way. Otherwise, I really need to go. I just like sleeping in so much on the weekends! Oh well - I would also like to weight 25 pounds less, so I guess I just need to decide which one I like more.


Another session with Josh


Friday night I trained with Josh again. Most of you won't understand that the thought of that strikes fear into the hearts of many. Josh is a HARD trainer. I regularly feel like I am going to collapse when I am training with Josh. He takes no bullshit, if you are moving slow because your legs feel like Jello, he says "come on Nichole we only have an hour, no time for your stall tactics." I always tell him that I refuse to let him make me puke (at least at the gym). I asked him last night if puking was part of the weight loss plan? He laughed and then put the stair climber machine up 2 more levels!
I now completely understand the need to get a trainer, there is absolutely no way I would push myself this hard!!!!!

If you don't enjoy fart and poop humor, don't read this

Thursday, February 5, 2009 · 1 comments

Ok, this post is kind of about weight loss, sort of. I have a wonderful friend in Texas and one night we were reading info about ALLI the weight loss drug. We came upon this HILARIOUS website which takes the ALLI side effects from the official ALLI website and puts them in "laymans terms."

Here is the website:

But, just because this gives me uncontrollable fits of laughter, I have to post a few of his alli side effects in laymans terms here - the stuff in bold is the official ALLI propaganda and the statements under each one is his translation..

"The fat passes out of your body, so you may have bowel changes, known as treatment effects.
Bowel changes. Notice how they phrase that? It means stuff will be happening the likes of which you could never have imagined. It’ll be like a daily Dean Koontz novel inside your underwear.

You may get:
gas with oily spotting
You’ll be farting Wesson oil straight through your Dockers…

loose stools
and having violent chipped beef explosions...

more frequent stools that may be hard to control
all the time, with a sphincter that can no longer be counted as a friend.

Eating a low-fat diet lowers the chance of these bowel changes. Limit fat intake in your meals to an average of 15 grams.
The McDonald’s Big Mac has 34 grams of fat, and the Burger King Whopper has 40. Eat either of these while taking Alli, and you’ll very likely be transformed into a diarrhea cannon."

Rigoddamndiculous Workout


Oh Wow - (I want to say something worse, but am censoring, just in case).
Josh trained me tonight. I had been warned about Josh's training, but, Damn - it was HARD! My heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest and run away! According to my heart rate monitor, I burned 681 calories. Considering I've only eaten 784 calories, that means I have only netted 83 calories today! Shouldn't the pounds be flying off at that rate?? They are just sort of crawling off, not flying - unfortunately. My tendency to demand instant gratification will get me in trouble here if I let it.

I have to say that I am SOOO impressed with not only the trainers at SWEAT but with the other people I train with - they never make me feel bad for being the slowest person and they are always encouraging me to keep going and to push myself further. Thanks everyone at SWEAT who is reading this - you really do help!

a 10 on the "Puke Scale"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 · 0 comments

Wow - what a work out. I feel like I'm talking about throwing up a lot, but here I go again. Today was off the puke chart because I actually did throw up after I got home. Whew, not a good feeling. But it sure was an intense work out. One good thing about feeling sick when I get home is that I don't want to eat! See, there's always a bright side.
I think I have lost about 7 pounds, but more importantly, my fat pants are very loose, so I get to move back down a size. YAAA. Wish me luck, I have yet another hearing tomorrow. Boy will I be glad when work slows down a bit.

Someone give me a shout out and let me know how your workouts are going, or just how you are doing.

I'm Dizzy

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 · 0 comments

I didn't get to make up my Monday workout today, so I walked 2 miles instead. I am still dizzy, so I probably looked a bit drunk walking around my neighborhood. I don't know what is wrong with me - I am really dizzy for no apparent reason (no ear infection, no cold, no stuffy nose). Hope I stop feeling dizzy before my hearing tomorrow morning.

Not a good Monday

Monday, February 2, 2009 · 2 comments

Well, I think I know why I wasn't able to push myself very hard yesterday - I was apparently getting sick.
I felt kind of weird all day yesterday, sleepy and a bit dizzy. I got sick this morning - various stomach ailments and have felt really dizzy all day. I went to work for about 20 minutes and then came back home and slept most of the morning. Won't be working out tonight. Hopefully I can make it up tomorrow night.
I hate missing work, I feel like I've missed something important. So, when I slept today, I kept having disturbing dreams about work - not restful at all. Whats the point of staying home to recoup when you worry about work all day?! Oh Well, hopefully all of the stomach stuff will be gone by tomorrow. Hope everyone else had a better Monday than me!

What a game!

Sunday, February 1, 2009 · 1 comments

Damn, Damn Damn!

Go Cards!


I think not eating Super Bowl food is going to be much harder then not eating In-n-out Burger!

I did the bootcamp today, but I feel like I didn't really push myself, I just wasn't awake enough. I'll probably take a walk later tonight just to supplement my calorie burning.

Hope y'all had a good weekend.


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About this blog

I am a 30 something year old woman looking to lose weight and get back in shape. I hope that this blog will provide inspiration to me and to others. I am much more motivated to workout when I can make it funny and glean some humorous stories out of it - these will mostly be self-deprecating. Please, I beg of you, post comments with your own funny stories or success stories or complaints about exercising or whatever. Just FYI, I work-out at a great gym in Anthem, Arizona called SWEAT.