Another session with Josh

Saturday, February 7, 2009 ·

Friday night I trained with Josh again. Most of you won't understand that the thought of that strikes fear into the hearts of many. Josh is a HARD trainer. I regularly feel like I am going to collapse when I am training with Josh. He takes no bullshit, if you are moving slow because your legs feel like Jello, he says "come on Nichole we only have an hour, no time for your stall tactics." I always tell him that I refuse to let him make me puke (at least at the gym). I asked him last night if puking was part of the weight loss plan? He laughed and then put the stair climber machine up 2 more levels!
I now completely understand the need to get a trainer, there is absolutely no way I would push myself this hard!!!!!



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About this blog

I am a 30 something year old woman looking to lose weight and get back in shape. I hope that this blog will provide inspiration to me and to others. I am much more motivated to workout when I can make it funny and glean some humorous stories out of it - these will mostly be self-deprecating. Please, I beg of you, post comments with your own funny stories or success stories or complaints about exercising or whatever. Just FYI, I work-out at a great gym in Anthem, Arizona called SWEAT.